‘ENCORE’ is a celebration of the work produced by the pottery students of Jenny Morten held at Morten Gallery every week for the last year.
August 10th - August 31st 2019

Starting from a simple ball of clay which they pinched and pummelled into submission they have worked their way through a whole range of techniques such as coiling, slabbing, pressmoulding and throwing on the wheel .
Some were complete beginners fired with the desire to ‘have a go’ at something they had always wanted to do, while most were into their second year throwing two and three piece pots such as lidded jars and teapots on the wheel and constructing exciting large scale
sculptural pieces on armature supports.
They have experimented with high fired Stoneware glazes producing a display of daring and ingenuity in their pouring, dipping and overlapping of colours and textures which we arepleased to have on show in this exhibition.